Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The First Entry

Hmm, what a very cliché title. Couldn't think of anything else to put for my very first entry. I have always wanted to blog since I have a penchant for writing and putting my thoughts on paper when I was small. I used to write short insignificant stories just to let my imagination flow ceaselessly.

Back to the present, blogging was something that I kept procrastinating due to work and other daily activities that warrants my undivided attention. But then again, the biggest question that was always on the back on my mind was, how do I start? What theme should I have? Should I jump on the bandwagon and start a food review blog or a travel blog? Should I just blog about my daily affairs or should this be an online diary where my deepest secrets and thoughts are poured for the world to see? What about posting cutesey pictures of myself like some 18 year olds who let their pictures do most of the talking? Or should I just blog anonymously and write whatever I want?

Lol, sounds like I think too much to ever get started eh? Right, I have to start somewhere or I probably never would. So I guess I would just write and see where things go from here. Ok, so here it is, me in my twenties, writing my very first blog. :)